Proses Implementasi Strategi Perubahan Kode Keamanan Transaksi Interenet Banking (Studi Kasus Pada Bank Syariah Mandiri Kantor Cabang Rawamangun)

Megawati .


This research is conducted to know the implementation process of internet banking transaction security code change strategy in Bank Syariah Mandiri, more detail to know program development, budget and procedure in Branch Office and its alignment with Head Office. Primary data were obtained based on interviews to Branch Manager, Customer Service Officer, Customer Service and Group Head of Electronic Banking Group, while secondary data were obtained from Bank Business Operational Standard study, Operational Technical Guidance and Bank Indonesia Regulation. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative, this research is intended to describe or describe the phenomena that exist, both natural phenomena and human engineering. Analytical descriptions by collecting data derived from documents, interview results, field notes that can provide clarity to reality and reality. The results of the analysis show that the program has been made by Bank Syariah Mandiri is in accordance with the business plan of banks that have been proposed since 2017, Viewed from the budget side issued by the Branch Office in the implementation phase is already in accordance with the planned budget, Procedures made by the Office The Center has been implemented by employees in the branch especially Customer Service so that there is alignment with procedures that have been made by Head Office. Overall, the implementation process of internet banking transaction security code change strategy in Bank Syariah Mandiri has been successfully executed in accordance with the established program, the budget made, and the procedure has been implemented.

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